
Little bit of #JustWriteIt

I am a bit of a competitive person. I hate losing, love winning, and have no problem taking risks in my writing. Because of that, i join competitions every so often. Everyone on here by now has heard of my many, too many, months where I have worked on NaNoWriMo.

Because of that, when I stumbled on this months challenge on Wattpad, a challenge called #JustWriteIt, I couldn’t help myself. They have a monthly challenge program, and this months was too good for me to pass up. This month had the lovely challenge of writing a murder mystery, with a serial killer stalking the streets.

You see, there are two genres I write in more than anything, Crime/Mystery and Mythology. These are my treasured preferred genres. Sure, i dabble in everything, my main active story right now is a Sci-fi of sorts, but when the time comes, i always fall back on the two.

So, of course, i had to put my story in the running. I created a new story called Blink on Briar Road, and while I only have a few thousand words written so far, I have the rest of the month to get it up to 10k. Will it probably be closer to 60-70k when i am done? Yes. Most likely, but still, I couldn’t let myself not do this.

This prompt not only inspired BoBR, but two others, one more that I will probably enter as well, and one that I will keep private for the time being. I am curious as to what I will be able to do with these stories, and I do plan on having two separate entries in this months challenge. Most likely, I will simply post the first 10-15k of both,  and then not post any more until the stories are done. Yes, yes, im very cruel.

Because of the nature of my stories, and who I am, i do plan on introducing my MC, Xavier Reynolds, to the world very, very soon. The first chapter is up, and, while I am not happy with it yet, I will be soon enough i suppose.

While I love these types of challenges that wattpad throws our way, I will still be taking my time with my stories. So, if the first ten thousand words seem rushed right now, they kind of are, so sorry. I will be posting another blog when I finish them, that will have a more refined look to them. Until then, well, this is what we have.

To those who are still wondering, I haven’t forgotten Remy. I couldn’t forget him, but time has gotten away from me once again. I will also put a link out on my social media, gah, once more when new chapters are ready, or with other small announcements.

Now I just have to figure out how to get back in them I guess. Oh well, that’s a problem for another day.

Peace people


I’m back

So, first thing is first. Yes, somehow my dearest readers, I am still alive. That mass update for Paying in Blood and Ash was not my ghost coming to haunt you all on this interesting day. I still spend most of my days working, not having time to do as my mind oh so craves. Alas, I have to sacrifice the wonderful things that I love to do. It has been a very interesting year, let me tell you. I have had a horrible, extreme, terrifying year, and it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Writing has been on the backboard of my mind, ready to dive me into another set of stories. I have started several stories since the year has begun, and even still have a few stories in the works. I have one that is just about ready to be finished. I just need to make the time to do it.

Somehow, this year has already been insane, I realized that several of my past stories, some of my current stories, and about ten of my future stories are all in the same timeline. There are currently, somewhere around twenty stories taking place between 1997 and 2454. Yikes.

While I would love to spend all of my days just sitting in the sun writing, I can’t do that. I do have a life outside of this e-world. I do spend some time occasionally, writing. I am hoping to finish book 11 in the next few days. I should, hopefully, be done in the next, oh, week and a half. If the world gives me a chance that is.

What have I been up to this year? Well, I re-started school again today, and I am taking a couple of classes while working full time. I also am taking an online, 50 hour course to work on my ASL. I am also applying around, curious to see what all I can change this year. My current schedule is something like: School 8-12:30, Work from 1:30- 10p, and a little bit of time when I get home to work on my ASL and my stories.

Yeah, sleep is for the weak apparently, right? I have already drank more coffee this year than I have in a very long time.

Now, back to writing. I am about fifteen thousand words away from finishing my 11th story, and have passed 20k on three other stories, while passing 10k in about twelve. It is really weird for me, having this many active projects at one time. I do not like doing this, as there is so many things I must be missing out on with my characters in the small time they get. I do need to update my Story stats page, as well as finally developing this blog.

To those who are wondering, yes, I plan on working more on my advice side of this blog. I have a handful of topics ready to be written on for the blog, with more writing tips than ever. I plan on also having a more constant uploading schedule. It will be interesting, I guess, to see what happens in the next few months of this year.

Anyways, I have some more writing to do for the night, and it’s almost midnight, so I will bid you all a good night.

Hopefully, yours more often,

Sylvanius Stephans

Why Write? And some other stuff.

You know, i ask myself that almost daily. Why do i bother? Someone’s always going to be better than i could ever hope to be. Someone could always tell better stories than i could write.

Yes, doubts are far more common than any writer cares to admit to. The thing is, of course someone else can write better than you. Honestly,  the chances that you will live up to your writing idol, be they J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, James Patterson, Stephenie Meyer, or someone else, is practically nothing.

Do you know why, though? Because they have found their own voices, and no matter how hard you try, copying them is impossible. Does that mean you should just give up? Of course not. We all want one thing, to tell stories. It doesn’t matter if someone else writes better than you do, or if their ideas are superior to your own. All that matters is that burn in your brain, the thing that creates your own worlds with your own characters and stories to tell.

Sure, someone else could probably write it better than you, but it’s still yours. No one can understand your characters like you can. No one else can come up with exactly the same ideas.

The biggest reason all of those previous authors i mentioned are so popular is because they all found their voices. I am trying to find mine with every new story i create. So, here’s a question for you: are you going to find your own voice? Are you going to try and copy others?

More than any of those things, is a simple truth. All writers can feel more deeply than most. All writers struggle with doubt and failed expectations. All writers have fallen in love with at least one of their characters. And all authors were once simple writers like i am.

Have i found my voice? I don’t truthfully know yet. But i know that i am going to keep writing, even on the bad days.

Also, to those who have been following me for a while, you might remember that this blog started out as a writer’s advice kind of thing, before it became all about me, my excuses, and my projects. I am hoping to go back to the days where i can help other writers find their own voices.

I haven’t forgotten about my stories, or my promise to start posting 3 new ones. I haven’t forgotten about the changes i was wanting to take place. I have no excuses for why it has taken who knows how long for me to actually do anything. Frankly, even if i had an excuse it wouldn’t be good enough for you all.

I am trying to get back into the groove of things, and am struggling with a lot of doubt, self loathing, anger, and lack of interest in anything. Hopefully, i have finally managed to pull myself out of the stupid slump. 

That said, I am trying to start writing more often in preparation for the next big writing holiday for me, NaNoWriMo. My best friend, happy late birthday by the way Kali, and my occasional beta reader has managed to get in this habit and inspire me again. I know that this is something I love, regardless of the stress and the, well, everything else that it puts us through. 

Now, for the bit of writing news, I have several new stories that are being written, seven total currently, and several more that I plan on posting. I don’t know if I can handle the rigorous posting schedule that I used to keep, especially with my new job. But I am going to try my best to get some more stories out for those who want to read them. Some of you have been waiting for months for me to update, and that is inexcusable. I know I have apologized before, so it doesn’t mean much. I won’t apologize, or even promise to do better. Frankly, my word means so little, it’s really funny. But, I am still going to try and get back to the posting schedule that you all deserve. 

Thank you all for sticking with me during this crazy ride.

Best Regards,  


Self Doubt


As writers, we often struggle with self doubt. Am I good enough? Is my story original enough? Are my characters relatable?

Short answer: Probably not. I know, gasp, how could I say such a thing? Easily. We picked a profession that so few can ever excel in. When I decided to first start writing, I knew, just knew, that I was going to be a famous author one day. I knew that my story was creative, intuitive, and different.

Then I woke up. Honestly, my first book was garbage. It had too much dialogue,  hardly any actual details, the story jumped around a lot,  and I had no creativity with the names of my characters. Little me thought, ‘Oh, I’m going to have a cool, sarcastic girl protagonist? Better name her Winter Johnson.’ ‘She needs a love interest? Gasp, let’s name him Josh.’ ‘Oh, let’s make my protagonist get betrayed by her family, and eh, what the hell, let’s make it have a prophecy with her actually supposed to be the villain.’

Yes, I was that unoriginal. Yes, at the time I thought I was the next Anne Rice. Yes, I was sure that I would win award after award for the story.

But you know what? It was the first thing I ever wrote, and my worst. Am I ashamed of it? In some ways, yes and no. Yes because it sucked. It lacked everything I usually try and include in my stories. No, because we all have to start somewhere.

Now, let me tell you another story. I have a friend who, three years ago, wrote her first novel at the same time I did my third. Instead of moving onto the next story after she finished it, she decided to keep working with it. Was it crap? Yes. It was. But, she has been polishing it for years, and is on track to be published with it.

Where as for me, my voice changes with every novel I write, she used her first to figure hers out. While I have written 10 novels thus far, she has only written one, yet she has probably spent more time writing that book and delving her soul into it than I ever could.

Now, I am proud to say I have read her novel, and watched it change over the years.

Is there a chance it will fail? Absolutely. But here is the biggest difference between us. She believes in that novel to the point that I have to believe in it too. Me? I doubt myself far more. While I have been doing this longer than she has, she’s comfortable with where she is. I’m not.

There’s a couple of sayings I always try to keep in mind. The first is The first draft of anything is shit. -Ernest Hemingway. The second is Writing is the one art no one has ever mastered.

We all doubt ourselves, we all think that we are either geniuses whose stories can change the world, or buffoons who have been wasting their lives trying to become famous.

After 10 novel, you would think I have confidence in my writing. After ten novels, you would think that it wouldn’t surprise me when my characters become stubborn, or my plot changes entirely, or my setting is yanked somewhere else. You would think that I would be used to the writers highs of getting five or ten thousand words in a day. You would think that I would be used to the crippling lows that drag me down to new depths.

And, you would be wrong. I was just as surprised with Blasius, my tenth, became rebellious as I was when Alex did, my second. I was just as shocked when Werner challenged my humanity as I was when Sebastian, my newest project, challenged my outlook on life. Every character is different. Every single story you write changes not only how you write, but how you see yourself.

Remember that quote that said something like All you have to do to be a writer is sit at a typewriter and bleed. Yeah, I have found that extremely true.

The highs fade, and the lows even out. At the end, even with the odds against you though, you created something. It doesn’t matter if it lives up to what you’re writing idol has done, it’s all you. I’m never more vulnerable or secure than when I first finish a new book. Why? Because I know that in the journey of it all, my voice has changed, I created a new world, and I learned more about myself and the world around me.

To those who have doubts about being good enough, we have all been there. And frankly, you won’t know until you put your story out there. Besides, who knows,  maybe you can become someone else’s writing role model.

Thank you for reading.


Sylvanius Stephans

Annndddd…. I’m still behind. Eheheh

Have you ever been reading a story, it was almost two in the morning, and you said to yourself “Just one more chapter. Just one more.” I am kind of in a similar place, except, my thoughts are “Just one more sentence. Just one more, then I get to go to bed.” Trying to balance so many stories at one time is murdering my sleep schedule.

Not that I mind too much, not really. I will admit, I am trying to write more right now. I also have Camp NaNoWriMo coming up in a few days. Yikes. That’s annoying. Oh well, I’ll get there. My three promised stories are still coming, hopefully in the next two days. I promise.

I also have several chapters coming on several of my stories. I am trying to get on an actual writing schedule, and a posting schedule. With some luck, I will be able to pull my head out of my ass and get to posting soon.

Well, it’s almost two here. G’night y’all.


Big Changes!!!

As some of you know, I am trying to finish my tenth novel. I am around 10-15k away from the end, exciting as it is. With some luck, I will finish it in the next day or two. Why is this important? Well, number ten means change. And boy, do I have a lot of changes in store for you guys. Some of them are temporary, and others are going to be the new way that Sylvanius O. Stephans vlogs and my works.

There are two of my stories, What You See Is and Secondhand Secrets specifically, that are on two of the sites I normally post on. I have noticed that these are two of my least popular stories, which is amusing in a way. So, we are doing something else now, something a little more deadly. Metaphorically of course.

I post on three sites,,, and Each of them seem to have a different set of readers. I was thinking of splitting my stories up now. One site will get my horror based stories, one will get my fantasy stories, and the third will get the mystery stories. Any stories that do not fit into any of these three categories will be cross posted, but that’s it. With some luck, I will be able to grow my viewership at least a bit. So, in honor of this, each site will be able to get one new story this week.

Now, which is which? My more bloody/ gore filled stories will be going on Archive of Our Own. You can find my web page here:

My fantasy stories will be going on Here is the link for that.

And the third, my mystery stories, will go on Fictionpress.

Now, will I keep this change? I don’t know. I might. Also, I am thinking of starting a patreon. This will be as something that I hope will become a lifestyle for me. This is what I love to do, and I hope that one day, I will be able to quit my day job and spend my time writing. I hope you all will continue to follow me on my journey.

Thank you all.

Sylvanius O. Stephans.

Late Celebration!

My loyal readers,

Though there are few of you, and only one of me, i would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your support and critiques this last year. We recently celebrated our first year online, and i am overwhelmed and awed by the responses you all have given me. I hold every single review or note in my heart. Honestly, i am surprised by the positivity you guys have given me so far.

Story wise, I have a lot of things planned, with more words being written by the day. I can’t believe that i haven’t uploaded in awhile, so to make up for it, Collapsing Gravity, Bones of Deception,  Paying in Blood and Ash, Burned, and the Reluctant Destined will all be updated! And why stop the party there? I will be introducing not one, but two new stories to you guys! Listen to the Blizzards and Matching Mirror Shards! To make it even more special, in MMS, you guys will be introduced to Alex, who as some of you may know, was the MC of the second book I ever wrote. Granted, that was as a new teen back in the day, and he certainly has changed. This gives you guys a chance to dive into my own personal world in a way you never have before because MMS is written in first person.

I know, i know, hold the pitchforks and panic for a little longer if you please. As i was saying, Alex has a certain style to him that very few could ever believe if you didn’t read it yourself. Alex was one of two stories i wrote in first person, and it will be fun to see if i can still pull it off.

So, all of the already published stories have a new chapter, and the new stories are coming out tomorrow! This was done just so we have a bit of time to actually read these. I  plan on posting a link to all of the stories in a bit!

For those keeping count, that’s five updated chapters and two new stories for you all! While my anniversary is late, a month and eleven days, but who’s counting, it’s still time to celebrate!

Once again, thank you to everyone who has supported me from the beginning, i adore you all! And thanks to all those who joined along the way. I can’t wait to see where the next year will take us!

Sylvanius Stephans


Dear Kazz

Dear Kazz,

So, it’s technically day three of my work with you, but seeing as it’s two in the morning, I’m counting this as my day two letter. To be honest, your story, or at least the first three bits, are going to be fun to write. You’re going to be my protectiveness that’s going to go crazy when those you consider family are in trouble. You are going to be event after event of action and thriller.

In fact, your story is my first attempt at a Thriller/Adventure with only little bits of crime as an undertone. I haven’t planned everything, and I still don’t know much about your preferred chapter size, or anything like that. I do, however, know that I have about 5k to write when I get up… that’s going to be fine. It’s too early to know about your final word count, or your number of chapters.

I can tell you that this should be over or around 62k. Now, I know it’s a lot of pressure, especially right before NaNo, but you are my 13th story, and hopefully, my 10th book. I’m kind of thinking that Lucien will be my NaNo project, but right now, I can’t say for sure. Now, you are going to have a lot of responsibility as my 10th, and my 13th. There’s something about your story that I haven’t figured out yet, probably several,  seeing as we just started. That said, we have several dozen more letters to exchange, and hopefully, we’ll be able to keep up with everything, even as busy as we are.

Well, I need to go to bed, and mark this on my calendar. Goodnight Kazzy.



(Okay, so small note, these are done before you all realise them. These are completely unedited, and done to keep my brain on the challenges ahead of me. I said I would post these on here, so I will, but it’s weird  for me. These are my personal thoughts, and my personal communications with these characters. I probably will not put a note like this up again. Hope you all enjoyed a flash into my life!)

New Stories!!!

So, I have been working on projects similar to these for years, I’ve been talking about these for a while, and I decided to finally post them! My July Project from 2016, Collapsing Gravity, and my October 2016 project. So, without further ado, it’s time to introduce Dami and Kazz! Well, here are the links for my new stories!!!




Archive of our Own:

Collapsing Gravity



Archive of our Own:

I hope you all will continue to support me and enjoy these stories!


That’s two…

In case you aren’t following any of my writing sites, fictionpress, AO3, or wattpad, you might have missed the introduction to two different stories. They are just the beginning of what’s coming for you all. I am so excited to announce two more of my novels, The Reluctant Destined, and the first book in the Atlas Series, Bones of Deception. I will admit, I still don’t have a perfect plan for both of them, but it’s slowly growing in my mind as the story continues to expand into a new universe.

Here’s the link to them on my Fictionpress account!

I hope you guys will join me on the adventures of Tavian and Rune on any of the three sites I use! I always use the same username if that helps.

For the next bit, I will announce that two new stories are going to be on my account later this week. I haven’t really decided on which ones just yet, but I will come on here the day I post them to introduce you guys to them! I’m working more this week than I usually do, so this is kind of on the back burner until I get some spare time.

Now, for a bit of honesty, because you guys know to expect that by now, I have no idea if I will end up finishing all of the stories I will end up posting. I have a passion for them now, but once I reach twenty thousand, thirty thousand, or more, I can’t guarantee that I will still feel the same way. I will certainly try my best to keep the chapters updated as I write them. With some luck, by the end of the year, you guys will have at least five finished stories to read, and maybe a few others that are in the works.

Who knows, I suppose.

Well, that’s all I can say for now. I bid you all a goodnight/ day/ morning!


Ps: I know I haven’t been posting nearly anything on here for the last few months, and I have decided to fix that. So, I will also be posting the first character letters of either Tavian or Rune, or one of the stories I am about to post. Make sure to read the chapters first, before you read the letter’s unless you want them to be spoiled.