So, somehow, you have managed to  stumble onto my blog. Welcome. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sylvanius Oswald Stephans. I am in my early twenties, and post on three other sites currently, Fictionpress, ArchiveofourOwn, and Wattpad.

I write a mixture of different stories, but I love writing mythology, Sci-Fi, and Crime stories, so those are my most common ones. My hopes are to somehow manage to publish a story through either traditional or self- publishing means, and finally prove to myself that this is something I can do.

I also do a lot of self challenges. Currently, I am doing one that gives me thirty days to write 72,000 words. I will probably have my writertopia icon on here so that everyone can watch my progress with my stories. This, hopefully, will help clear up any confusion to why I disappear some days.

I should also warn you all that I am horrible with social media, but I am trying to get better. I hope you all enjoy hearing the stories I tell as much as I love writing them.


Sylvanius Stephans