Little bit of #JustWriteIt

I am a bit of a competitive person. I hate losing, love winning, and have no problem taking risks in my writing. Because of that, i join competitions every so often. Everyone on here by now has heard of my many, too many, months where I have worked on NaNoWriMo.

Because of that, when I stumbled on this months challenge on Wattpad, a challenge called #JustWriteIt, I couldn’t help myself. They have a monthly challenge program, and this months was too good for me to pass up. This month had the lovely challenge of writing a murder mystery, with a serial killer stalking the streets.

You see, there are two genres I write in more than anything, Crime/Mystery and Mythology. These are my treasured preferred genres. Sure, i dabble in everything, my main active story right now is a Sci-fi of sorts, but when the time comes, i always fall back on the two.

So, of course, i had to put my story in the running. I created a new story called Blink on Briar Road, and while I only have a few thousand words written so far, I have the rest of the month to get it up to 10k. Will it probably be closer to 60-70k when i am done? Yes. Most likely, but still, I couldn’t let myself not do this.

This prompt not only inspired BoBR, but two others, one more that I will probably enter as well, and one that I will keep private for the time being. I am curious as to what I will be able to do with these stories, and I do plan on having two separate entries in this months challenge. Most likely, I will simply post the first 10-15k of both,  and then not post any more until the stories are done. Yes, yes, im very cruel.

Because of the nature of my stories, and who I am, i do plan on introducing my MC, Xavier Reynolds, to the world very, very soon. The first chapter is up, and, while I am not happy with it yet, I will be soon enough i suppose.

While I love these types of challenges that wattpad throws our way, I will still be taking my time with my stories. So, if the first ten thousand words seem rushed right now, they kind of are, so sorry. I will be posting another blog when I finish them, that will have a more refined look to them. Until then, well, this is what we have.

To those who are still wondering, I haven’t forgotten Remy. I couldn’t forget him, but time has gotten away from me once again. I will also put a link out on my social media, gah, once more when new chapters are ready, or with other small announcements.

Now I just have to figure out how to get back in them I guess. Oh well, that’s a problem for another day.

Peace people


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